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Snow Festival is a traditional Chinese festival that marks the beginning of winter. It usually occurs on November 22nd or 23rd, when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 240 degrees. The festival is an important time for people to prepare for the upcoming winter season and celebrate the beauty of the snow.

In Chinese culture, Snow Festival is often associated with the saying "big snow covers the earth, and everything is hidden." During this time, the weather becomes significantly colder, and the ground is covered in a thick layer of snow. It is a time for people to stay warm and cozy indoors, enjoying hot drinks and festive food.

One of the highlights of Snow Festival is making and eating tangyuan, a traditional Chinese dessert made of glutinous rice flour. Tangyuan are round dumplings that are usually served in sweet soup or with a variety of fillings such as sesame paste, red bean paste, or peanut butter. Eating tangyuan symbolizes family reunion and harmony.

Another popular activity during Snow Festival is making snowmen. People of all ages go out and enjoy the snow by building snowmen in different shapes and sizes. It is a fun and creative way to celebrate the winter season and bring joy to the community.

In addition to tangyuan and snowmen, Snow Festival is also a time for various winter sports and activities. People can go skiing, ice skating, or have snowball fights. These activities not only provide entertainment but also help people stay active and embrace the winter season.

Overall, Snow Festival is a time to appreciate the beauty of snow and enjoy the warmth and joy of winter. It is a festival that brings people together and creates a sense of unity and harmony. Let's celebrate Snow Festival and embrace the winter season with happiness and gratitude!


本作品内容为英语大雪节气手抄报冬天主题二十四节气之大雪打雪仗传统节日文化小报word模板下载, 格式为word,由作者高高的冰淇淋上传, 大小1.64MB,请使用软件word,wps打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容, 源文件无水印, 欢迎使用巧图办公。

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  • 软件 Word 查看教程
  • 格式 docx
  • 大小 1.64MB
  • 页数 1页
  • 作者 高高的冰淇淋
  • 版权说明 相关字体/摄影图/音频仅供参考 i


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