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Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival is a traditional holiday that celebrates the bountiful harvest of farmers, typically held during the autumn harvest season. The harvest is the result of the hard work of farmers throughout the year and symbolizes the prosperity and abundance of the country.

The Harvest Festival is an important holiday with both celebratory rituals and traditional folk activities. On this day, farmers worship the God of Land, giving thanks for the blessings of the land and praying for a good harvest in the following year. Additionally, various performances such as lion and dragon dances, as well as traditional opera shows, are held to celebrate the joy of the harvest.

The Harvest Festival is also a time for families to reunite. Family members gather to taste the fresh agricultural products and enjoy the fruits of their hard work. Traditional delicacies, such as sugar-coated haws and glutinous rice cakes, are often prepared and shared. These foods not only serve as nourishment but also represent recognition and rewards for the farmers' labor.

The Harvest Festival is also a traditional occasion for making new friends and socializing. People exchange gifts and blessings to express their care and well-wishes for one another. Furthermore, many localities organize temple fairs and agricultural product exhibitions to attract visitors from all over.

The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival is an important traditional holiday that not only celebrates the labor achievements of farmers but also symbolizes the prosperity and abundance of the country. By celebrating this festival, people show their respect for farmers and promote the rich and diverse agricultural culture.






本作品内容为2024中国农民丰收节全英手抄报卡通丰收的季节中国农民丰收节小报手抄报模板下载, 格式为word,由作者无私的唇膏上传, 大小2.26MB,请使用软件word,wps打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容, 源文件无水印, 欢迎使用巧图办公。

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  • 格式 docx
  • 大小 2.26MB
  • 页数 1页
  • 作者 无私的唇膏
  • 版权说明 相关字体/摄影图/音频仅供参考 i


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